Hitting The Town! (Night 1 - Surprise)

I recently spent a week out of town on business -- well, 5 days -- 3 days if you don't count the 2 days of driving there and back -- but definitely 4 nights! And that's what I'm here to talk about. I arrived, checked in with my employer, got to my hotel and started cleaning up -- all before 5PM. This is important because this community is famous for their Outlet Malls. Yes, you read that right -- mall S . As in more than one. Only problem is that they all close up about 8:00. When working here I usually don't finish until after 7, which doesn't allow any time to change and hit the stores. So I always try to get here early on Day 1 so Night 1 can be a Fun 1. I tried something different this time. You may recall from a previous blog I recently acquired some new under-things. (https://juliemshaw.blogspot.com/2018/10/when-going-gets-tough-tough-go-shopping.html) Well, this was to be the night they got road tested. They ...