One Holiday To The Next

As we approach the end of the year, it seems like the holidays are all bunched together. Makes me think that eons ago, the People in Charge of Making The Calendar had a set amount of holidays to add, and when they got to October they realized they still had quite a few left - so they crowded them all in! 😁 Once the turkey left overs got put away, it was time to start in on the Christmas decorations. But if you know me at all, you know that certain things cannot happen unless certain OTHER things happen. First things first - what to wear! Something feminine yet practical. A casual yet comfy outfit of blue tank top, duster, skort, hose, and flats of course! Now that I was properly decorated, it was time to start in on the tree. Normally I like to separate Thanksgiving and Christmas. But with all the heartaches and headaches 2020 has been bringing, I felt the need to echo the lyric of that Holiday Song - "We need a little Christmas, Right this very minute." ...