Ooops, I Did It Again

Well, I did it again. I spent a week out of town working on a job during the day and letting Julie out to play during the evening.

Those who follow this blog will know I have a bi-annual (semi-annual? twice-a-year annual??) job on the other side of the state. It's a full week - drive over on Monday, work Tuesday thru Thursday, drive back on Friday.  On the plus side, I have my evenings free. On the minus side, I'm  in a small town in Western WA where most everything closes by 8pm. And since I work til 7 . . . (sigh)

But I still manage to get Pretty and go out

I try to arrive early in the day on Monday so I can hit the Outlet Malls (perhaps the biggest draw) and the thrift shops (at least 3 good ones here). This trip was no exception.

Monday Night's Outfit

After some shopping, I went to my usual haunt -- Applebee's. Only coming here twice a year for a few days, I am always impressed that the bartenders there - Nerissa and Nicole - know me. On Monday I walked in and Nerissa greeted me warmly, knew my drink order (Chardonnay) and asked which of my 2 food items I wanted (mozarella sticks or chicken quesadilla). I asked for the chicken, and she replied, "No Pico, right?" MAN!  Nerissa has a son, Konnor, and everytine I go there she shares the latest photos. This time she shared that she got married last week! I felt so special that she'd want to share that info and those photos with me.

Oh yeah, I bought this dress at Goodwill before dinner

I saw Nicole on Thursday night, and she ALSO remembered my order. I commented to her that, after 6 years or so of seeing them both here, every time I return to town I expect that one (or both) of them won't be working here. She told me she's on year 18 and has no plans to change jobs.

Final Night Outfit - this photo gives me a Taylor Swift vibe, maybe it's the RED lips.

The trip was over far too soon and I was headed home.  One of these times I'm going to Travel Pretty to try and extend the experience.

Until next time - Stay Safe And Pretty, Sweeties.


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