Sisters, Sisters, There Were Never Such Important Sisters

As we approach the 1 year Anniversary of the Pandemic Lockdown, I find myself missing many things. Going to a nice restaurant, a movie, and of course The Theater - not only attending but (for those who do not know) acting in and directing plays. But the thing that leaves the biggest hole in my heart is not being able to meet with my Sister Friends. Not being able to sip coffee (or something stronger!) and chat about life, the universe and everything. It took me SO long to come out to friends and to build up a super support network of loving, caring ladies. Now, with that unceremoniously pulled away from me, I have found myself bouncing back and forth between lonliness and depression. Original Sister Friend Sarah Going shopping, grabbing a coffee and walking through the park, sitting on the back porch, sharing a meal . . . not only are all these things better when wearing a cute skirt and heels, but much more so when you can share them wit...