The Eternal Struggle - Preference or Perspiring

I have an event coming up in mid-July - a Day Out with the Girls. Being the very organized (read "obsessive") gal that I am, I have already started planning my wardrobe. And this brings me to the big question: Do I wear what I WANT to wear, or do I wear what will fit in with the circumstances and places I will be? Now, when I say "wear what I want" I don't mean that I'd be sporting formal silks and pumps for a picnic at the lake. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a fool. But my personal preference DOES run to hose and heels. July, however, is more shorts and sandals kind of weather, and I have yet to venture out of the house with bare legs. The other problem here is that I have a VERY mediterranean heritage -- which means my arms, shoulders and back are rather . . . . well, you know. My life circumstances make it difficult to remove that much body hair, so I usually just wear long sleeves and stuff. But will I survive (let alone Be Comfortab...