When We Last Saw Our Heroine . . .

She was wrapping up a pretty fun and full week. I had another trip for pie and coffee. There were a few tables of "young folk" there this time (high school seniors-ish) who gave me a second glance, but said nothing. Then there was more time spent downtown. The Bloomsday Runners statues - downtown landmark Hoopfest - the nation's biggest 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament - getting set up Outside the old Masonic Temple - we both were a little stiff Does this store make me look fat? The true highlight of Friday, however, comes with no photos. I had connected with another Girl Like Me on line and came to find out my male side is friends with his wife!! "Kendra" had recently come out to her and asked if I could talk to her about it all. I was invited to their house for dinner and we had a wonderful chat. By the end of the evening, the wife was visibly at ease with Kendra and I being there. She even suggested making...