Once More Into The Fray

Let's keep this one short and sweet - because that describes the wonderful walk I took last Sunday morning. It's the little things that can bring the greatest pleasure - and this was the perfect example. After many months of isolation, The Sister Friends hit the trail once again! Sarah, Linda and I got together for a morning walk around the neighborhood - chatting, catching up, laughing, and just plain enjoying each other once again. Linda, Sarah and Julie On The Trail Masks On, Masks Off, Sister Time knows no bounds! We walked, sipped coffee, and talked and talked and talked! (something we have ALL been missing since our last gathering back in . . . I don't even remember when!) It ended all too soon - and like every good experience, just left us wanting more. Usually I like to include pix of my outfit, but I neglected to get any full figure shots this day. Just as well, I was wearing a T-shirt, leggings and sneakers - no...