New Post - New Experiment - Same Results?

OK, my last experiment turned in the results I expected. In that, when I post a Photo Essay I get LOTS of views in a brief period of time. Now we come to The Great Experiment Part 2. A post with no photos (well, except for the Banner of my fingers - and if THAT gets your excited response, who am I to judge)(lol) These past 2 weeks have been fun - I wrapped up 2 major projects that took up most of my free time, which allowed very little time for Julie to get Out and About. But once they were in the history books, I wasted no time in letting my Softer Side breath again. I had recently "come out" to a male friend who expressed interest in getting together with Julie, so we had a wonderful lunch with good conversation. Since it was Sunday I went in my best black skirt, grey mock turtleneck top, black pumps and grey pantyhose. He was very comlimentary about my outfit and overall appearance. He runs a local theater and he encouraged me to audition for Lady Macbeth! I h...