
OMG - What A Month It's Been!

  I hate roller coasters.  Really. When I attend an amusement park I don't even THINK about going near the roller coasters. Not for me. That being said - this past month has been one large, long, draining, sad, and unpleasant roller coaster ride. Let me explain. I am an actor - formerly by profession, currently by avid interest in getting on stage in front of an audience.  The theaters in Spokane set their schedules and I look them over, hoping to find a play I'd be interested in as well as fit to cast in.  This year I found 2, both for the Christmas Season.  Due to work responsibilities and stuff, I am unable to participate in either of them. ~~ sigh ~~ I am the Admin Person for a FB Group - a group started by a friend who asked me to continue it in her memory.  It has been a joy for about 2 years, but all of a sudden it became popular. We were getting 60 new people joining every few days! I was not prepared, neither for this jump in membership nor the policing required to ke

The Long Awaited Volume 6 - "I Love Dressing" Memes

  Stay Safe And Pretty, Sweeties

Steppin' Out As My Baby

  Trying To Stay Cool OK, life is like this. After my recent post where I ranted (yes, I RANTED, no two ways about it) about getting out, I spent an entire day . . . out! The weather outside was frightful (we don't usually get triple digit temps for more than a day or two, and it's now been over a week) but I had the opportunity and I went for it. The usual - stores, errands, grab a bite and like that. But it was an enjoyable time. OOTD I selected my Outfit Of The Day - jean skirt, kitten heels, and VERY light weight pantyhose - and I hit the trail. First stop - Dollar Tree. I usually buy my make-up wipes there as they carry a very good brand, and I get 40 wipes for $1.25. Things got off to a great start as I approached the store - a family was going in right before me (Mom, Dad and 2 girls). As I got up to the door, Dad held it open for me, with a big smile on his face. Chivalry is NOT dead! Bad News - Dollar Tree no longer carries that brand of make-up wipes! They had another

Answering The Age Old Question -- "Why Bother"

Since folks tend to bypass blogs without pix, I thought I'd begin with a smiling, happy photo and then go on from there. OK, let's get started. I know depression comes and goes. I know emotions can be helpful AND hurtful. And I know my circumstance is importnt to me but not necessarily to everyone else. I know all that. That doesn't change the fact that I can be ruled by my emotions. But to keep your attention, I will post another photo. Ever notice that everything at Victoria's Secret is size 8 and smaller?? It's been 2 months since my last post. Why? Because I haven't done anything worth chatting about. Yes, I manage to get out once every week or so, but it's always the same thing. Grab a bite to eat, do the weekly grocery shopping, and . . . . . not much else. Oh wait, I DID manage to get to the muesum a few weeks back. Spokane hosted a World's Fair 50 years ago Liberace performed here, in this costume Yeah, that was a fun night - kinda.   Anyway, get

Out and About -- FINALLY!

  After FAR too long of being restricted to dressing for a limited time and only at home, I was able to get out on the town this weekend.  I had some adventures and I will try to keep them interesting (no guarantees, Sweeties). So let's get this show on the road! I started out on Saturday, getting some breakfast at my favorite eattery (for breakfast, that is) They have the BEST breakfast buffet I got to my table, and the server approached me and asked "Coffee AND water?" I told her just coffee, and she said, "I tried to remember. Welcome back." Wow! Service worthy of a good tip. I then went to Costco to pick up half a dozen items, and when I got to the self-checkout my debit card was rejected.  REJECTED?? (I forgot that I had had a call from their Fraud Dept on Friday about a contested charge. It was a false charge, so they apparently put a block on my card.) ~~sigh~~ There is a branch of my credit union not to far away, so off I went to get the situation dealt

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Outing

  For the past "I don't know how many" years, I have been able to let Julie out most weekends - usually Saturday mornings. I meet with a friend for coffee and shopping, or I enjoy a nice breakfast out, and I usually get the weekly grocery shopping done.  Due to the sitution at home, I pack a bag on Friday night then head out early Saturday to one of my 2 "Changing Places". (as seen in this photo) But lately I have been experiencing an unusualy phenomenon. I get the bag packed ok, but come Saturday morning I have no desire to go out.  The one thing that guarantees me actually following through is making an appointment with a friend. If we have arranged to meet, I have no problem. But if it's just me, on my own, I often (usually?) bail. It doesn't mean I don't want to dress. It doesn't mean I don't want to spend some Julie Time Out And About. But I can't seem to generate the motivation to go out.  I then regret the decision for the rest of

Time Is Running Out!

  OK, that title was a tad melodramatic --- but I just noticed that I haven't posted a new article the entire month of March!  So, in order to rectify that heinous oversight . . .  It's been an interesting month. I found out my job is ending as of March 29th. No full time employment. Same bills to pay but no income. And what is the biggest concern on my mind right now? Having to find a new place to change into Julie Mode! In The Lobby My SO knows of Julie but would rather not be involved, and our son still lives at home with us, so I need a "changing place" outside the home. My office building provided the perfect location, especially on the weekend. A fitness center with shower rooms and lockers.  I could walk into the building as him and walk out as her. With a beautiful view of downtown Access to the building and the upper floors requires a code, and once my employment is terminated I will no longer have a code. What's a girl to do? Honestly though, once I get