Sister Friends - Day 4 (a very LONG day)

Here's to the Ladies Who PARTY!
So, on to Day 4 - the Highlight of the week.  Linda and I drove over to Coeur d'Alene and indulged in a little shopping (surprise!) before meeting Sarah at the hotel.  We checked in, got primped a bit, and then walked down the street to dinner.

Henry's Angels (you'll understand later)
We settled in at Tomato Street, a fun place where they let you draw on the table - well, on the paper they PUT on the table.  

Waiting for our 4th
Sarah's significant other, Henry, joined us for dinner.  Sarah commemorated the event on the table top.

Henry, Sarah, Linda and Julie
After a fine meal, we returned to the hotel and got dolled up for some dancing at a local club.  Looking back, I think I was overdressed for the location, but who cares!  I felt pretty, Oh so pretty.

We arrived a bit after 9 PM and the place was rather quiet.  The DJ was hard at work, but we were the only ones there.  We decided to start the evening with some drinks and pool.

Sarah tries a shot while Julie sips her Long Island Iced Tea (a first for me - it was yummy)
3 Ladies ready for fun
After 10 the place came alive (a bit) and we hit the dance floor.  We were having so much fun, we even managed to survive this one guy (White Shirt Guy) who insisted on dancing up backwards to the ladies on the floor and trying to "cut in".  Sarah was his first victim, and she shot him down.  Linda was approached later and she let him know in no uncertain terms that she was NOT interested. He never approached me (sigh), but later in the evening, a college age guy (College Guy) came directly up to me while we were dancing and we bumped for a bit.  My evening was complete - I was hit on! (ha ha ha)

Close to 11, Henry joined us and made short work of White Shirt Guy once and for all.  Our hero!

Henry's Angels (I told you so in photo caption #2)
We closed up the joint, and then headed out for a bite to eat.  The late night/early morning options in Coeur d'Alene are slim, so off we went to Denny's.

Good Coffee, Good Food, and Good Friends

I didn't want the night to come to an end -- however we eventually ended up back at the hotel, got ready for bed and called the night over. 

Tickled to be together - well, maybe it was the feathers
I owe a lot to these 2 ladies, these 2 sisters, these 2 Sister Friends.  I will cherish this week, and this night, for quite a while.  Sarah and Linda -- blessings to you both.

Stay safe and pretty, Sweeties.


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