New Clothes - Same Haunts

4 Days Of Julie (mostly) and it was the same old same old. But ANY chance to get out and interact with folks while "pretty" is a thrill for your scribe. So, lots of pics, very little story - but they say one picture IS worth a thousand words, so hold on to your garters, 'cause here we go! Outfit for Night One In the last 12 months I have lost about 20 pounds, which means most of my wardrobe is in the donation bin. But this little purple dress was too tight on me. But NOW . . . !! I was absolutely thrilled to be able to wear it out, even if it was only to dinner by myself. It was chilly, so I needed a wrap, unfortunately. On this trip I DID learn that I no longer hesitate when needing to use the Ladies Room. I now move boldly and quickly (depending on how much I've had to drink). And I don't fear to linger at the mirror and make sure my lips are just right. A nice glass of Chardonn...