New Clothes - Same Haunts

4 Days Of Julie (mostly) and it was the same old same old.  But ANY chance to get out and interact with folks while "pretty" is a thrill for your scribe.  So, lots of pics, very little story - but they say one picture IS worth a thousand words, so hold on to your garters, 'cause here we go!

Outfit for Night One  

In the last 12 months I have lost about 20 pounds, which means most of my wardrobe is in the donation bin.  But this little purple dress was too tight on me.  But NOW . . . !! I was absolutely thrilled to be able to wear it out, even if it was only to dinner by myself.

 It was chilly, so I needed a wrap, unfortunately.  On this trip I DID learn that I no longer hesitate when needing to use the Ladies Room.  I now move boldly and quickly (depending on how much I've had to drink).   And I don't fear to  linger at the mirror and make sure my lips are just right.

A nice glass of Chardonnay at Applebee's, watching folks watching me

Night Two - warmer outfit (these tights actually stay up all night!!)  I finished work early enough to hit some of the Outlet Mall Shops, picking up some silky shorts at the Vanity Fair Store.

Perfect Isn't Easy

Lobby Cheesecake Shot

Night Three was actually Halloween, but being a Thursday no one was having a party.  So after  getting a glass of wine at Applebee's (and helping judge the costumes of the employees!) I needed something sweet.

Pecan Pie - yummy!
Fill up the tank in preparation for an early morning departure, then say final goodbyes to the fine folk in Chehalis.  It was a wonderful few days, and will be FAR too long until the next visit.  

Stay safe and pretty, Sweeties!


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