I Just Gotta Say . . .

 I am an actor. This is my passion, has been my profession, and continues to be my reason to move forward.  When I cannot indulge in my craft, many things happen. (not the least being I bore my friends with my complaining about it)  But I had an epiphany this week that I thought I'd share here.  However, since these blogs usually don't get many views without photos . . . 

Grey mock turtleneck, new black skirt, black L'eggs, old (and comfy) black pumps

From the "Could There Be A Connection" Department - I have not been on stage for FAR too long.  And not from lack of trying, either.  I have really missed out on the opportunity to put on a costume and be someone else. And during this drought (the last play was I did was in early September) I have found that my desire for Julie to get Out And About has increased multi-fold.

Teal Leggings (never thought I'd type that phrase)

Could this be my life seeking a balance - putting on a cute outfit and "being" someone else? Or could it be a response to my lack of stage time - I have nothing else to do so I'm going to try to let the Lady out more often?  I don't know.

And one of the hardest things is trying to NOT let these feelings effect how I treat my dear friends who ARE on stage and plying THEIR craft.  I honestly am thrilled for them - but find myself avoiding direct contact for fear I will say something that will come out snarky or "oh woe is me"-ish. 

~~~ sigh ~~~ 

Quick - time for another picture!!

Purpley Leggings! And Cheeky Pose.

OK, usually venting in a blog post helps process my feelings. Let's see if it works this time.  Until the verdict is in . . . 

Stay Safe And Pretty, Sweeties.


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