After FAR too long of being restricted to dressing for a limited time and only at home, I was able to get out on the town this weekend. I had some adventures and I will try to keep them interesting (no guarantees, Sweeties). So let's get this show on the road! I started out on Saturday, getting some breakfast at my favorite eattery (for breakfast, that is) They have the BEST breakfast buffet I got to my table, and the server approached me and asked "Coffee AND water?" I told her just coffee, and she said, "I tried to remember. Welcome back." Wow! Service worthy of a good tip. I then went to Costco to pick up half a dozen items, and when I got to the self-checkout my debit card was rejected. REJECTED?? (I forgot that I had had a call from their Fraud Dept on Friday about a contested charge. It was a false charge, so they apparently put a block on my card.) ~~sigh~~ There is a branch of my credit union not to far away, so off I went to get the situation dealt ...
I had a few hours to get out this afternoon, and I was looking forward to it, especially since I don't care two bits about "sports ball". So I got all dolled up in my best weather appropriate outfit - black tights and pumps, black pencil skirt, hot pink top and 3/4 sleeve jacket. I added a coat, grabbed my bag and headed out. Absolultley nothing to report initially -- a stop at the ATM, then Dollar Tree (Always Panty Liners pack of 40 for $1.25 - who can resist!), Walmart (needed some make up) and then a snack. It turns out the closest eattery of my choice (Perkins) is closed! Gone!! Kaput!!! Too bad, the staff there were ALWAYS friendly and complimentary. So I went to the next closest - Denny's. I was in the mood for pie and coffee, so Denny's it is. I walked in, it wasn't too busy, and the server at the counter was cashing someone out and said he'd be right with me. He was a late 20's guy named Daniel. He took me to a booth ("Is a booth O...
Trying To Stay Cool OK, life is like this. After my recent post where I ranted (yes, I RANTED, no two ways about it) about getting out, I spent an entire day . . . out! The weather outside was frightful (we don't usually get triple digit temps for more than a day or two, and it's now been over a week) but I had the opportunity and I went for it. The usual - stores, errands, grab a bite and like that. But it was an enjoyable time. OOTD I selected my Outfit Of The Day - jean skirt, kitten heels, and VERY light weight pantyhose - and I hit the trail. First stop - Dollar Tree. I usually buy my make-up wipes there as they carry a very good brand, and I get 40 wipes for $1.25. Things got off to a great start as I approached the store - a family was going in right before me (Mom, Dad and 2 girls). As I got up to the door, Dad held it open for me, with a big smile on his face. Chivalry is NOT dead! Bad News - Dollar Tree no longer carries that brand of make-up wipes! They had another...
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