Down Memory Lane -- In Pumps

Funny how a random comment or reference can trigger a memory. That happened to me this morning. 

 I was reminded of the Halloween in my Jr year of high school when I decided to be "a hooker" and enlisted the VERY willing help of a female friend, Alice. It was mostly her wardrobe, and I have vague memories of exactly what I was wearing. I went to her house the week prior to select the "costume". She had laid out 4 or 5 dresses for me to try.  The first one was perfect, but that didn't stop me from wanting to try on all the others. Her mother, who was assisting, commented that I was enjoying my little fashion show. Alice supplied the shoes as well - good thing we were the same size - and I told her I'd take care of the undergarments.

Our town did a Halloween Parade during the day on Oct 31, and I had "marched" with 2 friends - we were The Marx Brothers handing out candy along the parade route. So that evening I had transformed from Groucho to a Lady Of The Evening. It was quite a distance to travel, and I heard quite a few comments along those lines all evening.

 A few days later I was talking with another female friend, Nina, who hadn't participated - she told me she was sorry to have missed it. I boldly stepped out and suggested a joint birthday party (our birthdays were both upcoming and just a few days apart) and we'd make it a costume affair. Nina could be the host, and I'd be the hostess. Again, it was mostly her wardrobe I raided, and it was a fun evening. I had walked to her house that afternoon to get ready, and helped her apply some sideburns and a moustache.

It was my first time being dressed up WITHOUT the cover of Halloween - we even all went out for ice cream at one point in the evening. By the end of the night, everyone had left before I realized I still needed to get home. Nina offered to drive me, but we were both exhausted and she said I couldn't take time to change before we went. So I grabbed my clothes and ventured into my home in drag.  Everyone was asleep so I stripped down in the bathroom and went to bed without any fuss. 

Sadly, I have no photos from either outing. ~~sigh~~

I didn't look HALF this good then - wish I had.

The moral of the story - - - enjoy life, and take LOTS of photos!  Oh, and Stay Safe And Pretty, Sweeties


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