OMG - What A Month It's Been!


I hate roller coasters. 


When I attend an amusement park I don't even THINK about going near the roller coasters.

Not for me.

That being said - this past month has been one large, long, draining, sad, and unpleasant roller coaster ride.

Let me explain.

I am an actor - formerly by profession, currently by avid interest in getting on stage in front of an audience.  The theaters in Spokane set their schedules and I look them over, hoping to find a play I'd be interested in as well as fit to cast in.  This year I found 2, both for the Christmas Season.  Due to work responsibilities and stuff, I am unable to participate in either of them. ~~ sigh ~~

I am the Admin Person for a FB Group - a group started by a friend who asked me to continue it in her memory.  It has been a joy for about 2 years, but all of a sudden it became popular. We were getting 60 new people joining every few days! I was not prepared, neither for this jump in membership nor the policing required to keep the trolls out.  The basic groud rules were simple - A place where all can come together. Sharing experiences, tips, help and support for each other. NO SEXUAL SUGGESTIVE POSTS ALLOWED. 

Yet people insisted on running amok. After 3 weeks of trying to maintain the integrity of the group, I closed it. Not the end result I wanted for my friend. But people will insist upon having their own way no matter what.

I did manage to get out a few times this past month, with 3 different hairstyles . . . 

Never been a Leggings Kinda Girl, but I LOVE these!

The cat wanted my drink

Too much leopard print?

Anyway, that was the month that was - and I'm glad it's over.  Here's hoping next month will be better. Until then, as always . . . 

Stay Safe And Pretty, Sweeties.



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