Playing Hookey

Last Monday, I woke up thinking, "This feels like a good day to stay home from work and just pamper myself." Now, I have felt that way many times before, but this particular Monday I actually followed through on it! One phone call later, and I was planning a shopping trip. I chose a casual/dressy look -- skirt and hose but denim skirt and nude, almost undetectible, pantyhose. In fact, so undetectible that a dear friend saw one of these photos and asked why I was NOT wearing hose. Venturing Out Again I started at a shopping plaza that included TJ Maxx and Target, and eventually ended up at the large Mall on the northside of town. I realized that I had not been in a mall for over a year, and this one was definitely showing signs of Covid Effect. But some highlights of the mall were still in operation. Oooooo, Cinnabon! While at the mall, I visited Marshall's and found a fantastic red dress for $10. In my size! With a Duster, and witho...